Poems for Israel and Palestine : Peaceful aspirations…

Crisp Summers
4 min readMay 21, 2021

Be brave, Reconcile

“End doesn’t justify the means”,

“Listen” , your heart pleads, do not make the easiest choices,

Staring at that Abyss, stop thinking of sharpening your hatred,

Blood don’t wash away tears, Kingdoms fall in pursuit of greatness!”

To be brave is to go forward

Inspite of the fear,

To reconcile is to extend a hand,

despite your reservations, distrust,

And that little bit of hatred in a corner of your heart,

You just cannot seem to erase even after chanting “Om” for hours,

It doesn’t matter that those specks of hate seem too deep,

Someday it will fly away in the strongest wind of hope and love,

Hold on till then, do not haste,

Do not waste that heart with those specks,

Fill it with songs of love, friendship and faith,

Someday you will forget that it was ever there,

But you won’t know until you try,

and make that choice to never deny ,

The chance to make an ally of an old foe, to make atonements,

To start a new chapter, a new ending, a new beginning for nations,

Filled with dreams of a better tomorrow.

Peaceful aspirations : Israel and Palestine

After the blood dried and the tears fell,

After the cries drowned and the children stopped playing,

Will you take away their pain,

Can words heal the gaping wound,

Would the smiles return on those little souls,

And can the world build around its chaos?

I shouted the loudest ‘let my people be’

I argued the most, that you are innocent,

But now, my heart breaks at the irony,

My lips wail for my love for you,

Israel, my heart is broken,

Israel you were the righteous,

And when you feel betrayed like I am now,

Hopefully your heart will open to the possibilities around you.

Love, Peace and holding hands,

Israel and Palestine, the Holy-Land,

The temple of the future, as Solomon’s fell,

The womb of destruction, birthed two different generations,

Now one tugs and the other pulls,

The struggle for being and to be heard,

The slogans slurred, people marched, armies bloodied,

One the enemy and the other the one the favoured,

Cane and Abel, history repeats, remorse course through your veins,

The parent watches, hoping the one left behind will mend their ways,

Many Abels have died, yet when will Cane realise he is equally loved,

An eye for an eye, lead you nowhere,

Love your neighbour, forgiveness will pave a new way!

Heal my darling, don’t keep in that dam of hurt,

The bad guys are gone, you are strong,

Stop oh chosen people, stop your wailing, for the monsters can’t hurt you anymore,

A new dawn is upon us,

embrace your enemies, you can do that now,

You are not that small child walking to the killing chambers,

Halt your fear, now stop that fire,

Before it engulfs you from within and the ones near you.

Israel and Palestine, please don’t go, don’t go to a place from where you have no return,

Stop that shelling, don’t kill because you can,

God has a plan, He created you both,

Three eyes of the creator, ever adored,

Change the path, it is never too late,

Change a tomorrow, even if yesterday is gone.

Rest a little, its time to stop dwelling,

Put that anger down, and help the ones who hurled a stone,

They feel betrayed too, as they had once welcomed you,

Its time to Bury the hatchet, and hang up the guns,

It is time to plant some seeds of trust,

And Let the killing fields bear the flowers of promise.

- Dedicated to Choosing Love in times of War.

A million choices

A choice has a million choices,

Each choice predestined to have an end,

Every choice within a choice,

and its billion combinations,

Gives me the choice for a choice,

In a world where everything is pre-determined,

And yet everything has a free will of a kind,

The movie of my life has been watched,

It has had every possible end and a beginning,

And if God is freewill,

Then I have had God by my side,

Always in confusion for a choice,

that confusion is my free-will.

Am I thankful for not having a manual,

Or do I crave the comforts of knowing and determination,

Free will is an illusion within a life of allusions,

Fate is being a machine,

Do you want to be a machine or live in your illusions?

Decide now or ponder for that decided allusion…


copyright 2021 crispsummers

